To John Hall September 22, 1786

From the original letter at the American Philosophical Society.

Old Friend

Borden Town Sept 22d 1786

In the first place I have settled with Mr. Gordon for the time he has been in the house — in the second I have put Mrs. Read who, you know has part of our house, Col. Kirkbride’s but is at this time at Lancaster, in possession, by putting part of her goods in it. By this means we shall have room at our house (Col. Kirkbride) for carrying on our operations.

As Philadelphia is so injurious to your health, and as apartments at Mr. Foulke’s would not be convenient to you, we can now conveniently make room for you here. Mrs. Kirkbride mentioned this to me herself, and it is by the choice of both her and Col. K. that I write it to you.

I wish you could come up tomorrow (Sunday) and bring the Iron with you. I shall be backward and forward between here and Philadelphia pretty often until the elections are over — but we can make a beginning here, and what more Iron we may want we can get at the Delaware Works — and if you should want to go to Mount Hope you can more conveniently go from here than from Philadelphia — Thus you see I have done some business since I have been up — The enclosed Letter is for Mr. Hubely who is member for Lancaster County. I do not know where he lodge but if William will be so good as to give it to the Door keeper or Clerk of the assembly it will be safe — Bring up the Walnut Strips with you. Your coming here will give an opportunity to Joseph to get acquainted with Col K — who will very freely give any information in his power. Compliments in the family

your friend & Obt. Hble Serv.